Rise Higher 

Live With Purpose






Rise Higher into your full potential
… Discover Your Purpose, Find Your Why and Live a Life of Meaning. 

The doors to our 4-month evidence-based Rising Higher  program are now open.


Discover What You Really Want in Life And Go After It! 


Purpose can be defined as an overarching intention that is personally meaningful to you and of consequence to the world beyond yourself. Your purpose can help you organize your life, give you a clear direction, and motivate you — especially when you encounter life’s inevitable setbacks and disappointments.

Those who report a strong sense of purpose at younger ages tend to have better mental health and are more resilient against setbacks. Finding your purpose is also a precursor to being an effective leader, and working in a meaningful career that can make a positive impact.

Purpose is found by actively engaging in life. 

Passions grow out of skillful engagement with an active pursuit of their interests.

Purpose begins to emerge more fully when we find ways to connect our interests to the world beyond ourselves.

The Rise Higher program is for women who…


  • Feel stagnant and are craving more purpose and meaning in your life. 
  • Want to leave a legacy and create impact. 
  • Want to find more meaning in your current career or find a career that inspires you. 
  •  Identify your unique gifts. You feel you were born for more but don't know what it is. 
  •  You know exactly what you want but need curriculum, support, community to overcome your fears. 
  •  Want to feel fulfilled, happy and a sense of accomplishment and happiness each day.  


Are you ready to uncover your unique purpose and apply it to your life, decision-making, work, and relationships?

The Journey you'll take Starts Now

Here's what we'll cover: 

  • What matters most/defining purpose 
  • Purpose = Pain or Passion 
  • Identity and Clarity 
  • Creating Meaning 
  • Legacy + Impact 
  • Power Questions 
  • Creating A Compelling Vision 
  • Mastering Mindset 
  • Decisions + Destiny 
  • Why. What. How. 


Move with Intention. Create with Passion. 

You deserve to have the career and life you truly want, and now is your time.

You’ll walk away from Rise Higher

  • A clear, personalized purpose statement that reflects your gifts, passions, and values — and becomes the compass guiding your life.
  • The confidence to pursue your purpose with clarity and joy, without neglecting the people and things that matter.
  • A renewed sense of fulfilment and joy in everyday life.
  • Have a greater understanding of your life's greater purpose
  • Find a career that fulfills your greater purpose
  • Find greater meaning and purpose in your current career
  • See the greater meaning in the experiences in your life
  • Live in alignment with your true self
  • Replace limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs
  • Create the life of your dreams

And most importantly, happier and more inspired in your life than ever before.


For Purpose Seeking Women!


This isn't only for entrepreneurs! 

Finding your purpose and path isn't always about starting your own thing!

Sometimes it is. 

Sometimes it' isn't 

Sometimes it's finding joy, meaning and purpose in the story you're in. Sometimes it's writing for yourself, painting for yourself, going back to school, embracing the phase you're in. 

For someone else it may be a start up or writing a New York Times Bestseller. 

That's the beauty of purpose. We all have one. 

And they can change as we change and grow through life. 

The path of discovering your purpose is for everyone - whether you're creative, searching for a fulfilling job or reading to create an empire! 

The Rising Higher Program Offers:

Evidence-Based Curriculum
A 4-month program featuring 8 structured modules on our online learning platform. This tested model delivers proven outcomes.

Live Group Coaching Sessions
Join group coaching sessions for each module, providing support and addressing your questions throughout the program.

Community Platform and Forums
Participate in interactive lesson forums and a private groups for ongoing mentoring, learning, and connection.

Guided, Actionable Learning
We ensure that learning is easy to apply through coaching worksheets, practical tips, and comprehensive guidance.

Virtual, Flexible Training
Access video and audio lessons, enabling you to learn anytime, anywhere, on your preferred device.

Bonus Lessons & Additional Resources
Enjoy bonus lessons and coaching sessions, along with extra resources for deeper exploration in every module.

Sign Up

Join the wait list and we'll let you know when RISE HIGHER is open again!

Crystal Janes

One word: WOW. I cannot put into words what my experience was. I didn't expect what I got, not only powerful work that helped me get over conditioning from my life but a community of new friends!


Kelly Swain 

“MFS gave me the tools to go into the hard stuff that life brings. It was hard to learn to deal with emotions I'd never let myself feel, but there was so much space and freedom and possibility on the other side of leaning into the pain. My life has been forever changed by the tools I gained and by the incredibly supportive, strong women I met inside that space. I am a different person completely from a year ago and it's beautiful.”

You’re Ready for The Next Level

Get in touch with Tonya Whittle to discuss programs, retreats, speaking engagements, or to start building the fulfilling life you deserve.